Arts Funding
Total amount of Canadian Council for the Arts funding awarded to community artists and organizations.
Methods & Limitations:
Figures are based upon information as at March 31. For this reason, the data does not reflect adjustments and cancellations after this date. As a result of changes in methodology, figures in this document are not necessarily comparable to figures in other documents created by the Canada Council for the Arts.
Program staff, including the Program Officer and the Director, determine the grant amounts awarded to successful applicants. They follow the ranking order established by the peers and they take into consideration: eligible expenses and any peer comments about the applicant’s budget; the amount requested by the applicant (a grant cannot exceed the amount requested); and, the budget allocation for the program, as determined by the Council’s budget. In the case of core funding, recommendations are reviewed in consultation with the Director General of Arts Granting Programs. While peer assessment is the basis for the majority of the Canada Council’s funding decisions, Council also makes use of internal assessments for some project grant components. Internal assessments are used to speed up the assessment process and allow quick responses for certain types of applications. Internal assessments are generally for grant applications submitted under program components focused on the impact of activities, and where there is no assessment of artistic merit (ex. travel grants). In some instances, the payment of the full amount is conditional upon the recipient adhering to specific reporting requirements. Some amounts may be affected by activity cancellations and those cancellations are not included in this dataset. More information on the Council’s decision-making process can be found at: decisions/decision-making-process. Because of financial adjustments, only recommended amounts greater than $5.00 are presented.
The Canada Council for the Arts provides the public with detailed statistical data about its grants in both formatted Excel documents and machine-readable format (.csv). Data can be sorted by program and region (for example, community and census metropolitan area), and can be added to other databases on arts and culture activities and organizations in Canada.
Canada Council for the Arts open data.
Canadian Council for the Arts, Open Data Tables: Methodology
Arts Funding in the Sustainable Development Goals
Click on the SDG to reveal more information
16. Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals is dedicated to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.