What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

In 2015, under the guidance of the United Nations, the world adopted a set of goals to target many of world’s most pressing issues. Referred to as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), these 17 goals and their targets seek to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by promoting inclusive, equitable, safe, and sustainable societies. The SDGs do not ignore shortcomings—they confront issues, identify root problems, and set objectives to leave no one behind as we transform nations, cities, and neighbourhoods into places where we can all live and prosper.

How is Vital Signs Connected to the Sustainable Development Goals?

Vital Signs aligns our local data with the global vision of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, showing how we are contributing to these global goals at a local level. The majority of indicators tracked in Vital Signs fit within one or more of the 17 thematic areas of the SDGs. This connection is presented alongside graphs for each measure.

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