2023 Data Indicators List

Comox Valley’s Vital Signs, as part of a nationally led program, sources and centralizes local data as a way of measuring the vitality of a community and to support evidence-based, locally-relevant solutions that inspire civic engagement, provide focus for public debate, and help the community direct resources where it will have transformative impact.

THEME Indicators


Births and Deaths, Comox Valley Population by Area, Seniors Population, Immigrant Population, Lone-Parent Families Population, Population Density, Median Age, Net Migration (Newcomers), Total Population, Visible Minorities Population, Youth (14 and under) Population
CULTURE, ARTS & RECREATION Arts Funding, Arts Grant Recipients, Employment in Culture, Arts & Recreation, Hiking Trails, Parkland per Capita, Proximity to Neighbourhood Parks
ECONOMY & WORK Employment Rate, Unemployment Rate, Farmers’ Market Sales, Living Wage, Median Income Gap, Median Income, Number of Farms
BASIC NEEDS Food Affordability, Homelessness Count, Living Wage, Market Basket Measure, Median Income, Median Income (Families), Median Income (Lone-Parent Families), Poverty Rate, Poverty Rate (Children), Poverty Rate (Lone-Parent Families), Poverty Rate (Seniors)
BUILT ENVIRONMENT Average House Price, Average Rent (1-Bdrm Units), Bike Lanes, Core Housing Need, Dwellings Requiring Major Repairs, Gross Shelter Income Ratio, Housing Completions, Housing Starts, Population Density, Vacancy Rate
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT  Air Quality, BC Sea Level, Parkland per Capita, Salmon Escapement (Coho, Chum, Chinook, Sockeye), Salmon Escapement (Pinks), Solid Waste Diversion, Waterbird (Anatidae) Count
HEALTH & WELL-BEING Access to Healthcare Providers, Alcohol Consumption, Daily Smoking, Drug Toxicity Death Rate, Obesity Rate, Perceived Life Stress, Population with Regular Healthcare Provider, Proximity to Healthcare by Area, Sense of Belonging
SAFETY Crime Rate, Violent Crimes, Youth Crimes
LEARNING & EDUCATION College Enrolment, College Enrolment by Area of Study, Early Childhood Development, High School Non-Completion Rate, Proximity to Child Care Spaces
ENGAGEMENT & GOVERNANCE Charitable Donors, Median Donation, Voter Turnout

Future Series: Two annual updates (subject to available funding) are proposed for February & August 2024. A list of proposed future indicators is in currently in progress for release at a later date. To suggest and indicator or resource, please contact the Comox Valley Community Foundation.

Indicators coming soon: Youth Mental Health, Recreation Programs, Childcare Spaces, Annual Mean Temperature, Transit Use, School District Success Rates, Transition to Post Secondary Rates, Registered Charities, Forest Cover, Stand Age, Statistics Canada 2022 population estimates.

We encourage you to explore Vital Signs data, use the resources, share them with those around you, and take action.